Archived Sites

CS595G W20: Automated Binary Analysis


  1. Introduction
  2. Class Materials
  3. Weekly Notes and Summaries
  4. Links
  5. FAQ


Class Materials

Weekly Notes and Summaries

Week 1: Introduction (1/10/2020)

Week 2: ELF File Format (1/17/2020)

Week 3: Disassemblers (1/24/2020)

Week 4: Symbolic Execution (1/31/2020)

Week 5: Data-flow Analysis (2/7/2020)

Week 6: No new material (2/14/2020)

Week 7: Decompilers (2/21/2020)

Week 8: Variable Recovery (2/28/2020)


Do I have to enroll to participate?

Not at all! Feel free to just show up and learn the material! Note that since this quarter the class will be taking place in groups, it may be challenging to follow along without regular attendance.

Can I enroll?

The deadline to add a course is January 27, 2020. If it's before this deadline, absolutely! The class is officially listed as CMPSC 595G on GOLD, and is a 2-unit P/NP class. If the add deadline has passed, you will need an extremely compelling reason to get through the late-add process.

What do I have to do to enroll?

I am a(n)...

I took 595G last quarter. Can/should I take it again?

Absolutely! Your knowledge from last quarter will be useful, but the class is focusing on different topics this quarter.

I don't see my question listed

For more specific questions about the class, see the syllabus. If you don't find your answer there, feel free to email me.